Artist Statement

As an artist, I believe that my art is representational but with a humorous and colorful twist. Over the years, I have chosen to focus on watercolor painting and ceramics but in my portfolio, you will see a wide a range of mediums that represent my love for combining color and design with the way I see the world around me. The majority of my work is created from looking at things in the world and slightly changing it with an element of surprise. For example, in my portfolio, there is a painting of a blue orangutan. An orangutan is a real and recognizable animal, but by switching its colors to blue, it creates a simple but interesting change to the painting which allows a viewer to see it from a new perspective. Similarly, there is also a pink seagull that, like the orangutan, is a recognizable animal with a colorful twist.

I originally started painting from observation when we traveled to Norway and my mom asked me to paint an image of her grandfather's childhood home. This first painting of such an important place showed me that I have the ability to capture an instant in time and allow it to stay forever. While these representational paintings gave me a love for painting, I realized that I also enjoy color and unexpected designs. Color brings life to the world, and I think color is the most important part of my paintings because it allows me to express exactly how I feel in such a simple way. After realizing how important color is to me, I decided to combine representation and color which turned me into the artist I am today.

My art is related to contemporary art through the color. When I think of contemporary art, my mind goes to immediately to explosive color. Color is important to my work because color is, in my opinion, the easiest way to express yourself. Even people who are not artists use color to express themselves in their hair, makeup, clothes, etc. I use color to emphasize things that would maybe be over looked by the average person.

Cover Letter

my cover letter

From an early age, my mom instilled in me a love and respect of the arts, and as I grew, art became a part of my life that can never be taken away. When deciding the path I wanted to take in college, I was torn between my love for art and my love for science, but why couldn’t I do both? After talking with my parents and counselors, we decided that I should apply to double major; pre-med and art. I know it's going to be challenging but I whole-heartedly believe that continuing art in college will give me an unique outlet to let my creativity shine through, while also learning from other people who share my passion.

I have decided to apply for art track II: 2-dimensional, because over the years of experimenting, while I enjoyed ceramics, I fell in love with painting, specifically watercoloring. Watercolor is unique in the ability to control the intensity and how it blends together, which gives me the ability to take creative liberty while painting a diverse, unique image.

Through my high school, Bellarmine Preparatory, I have had the opportunity to display my paintings in the local art show, along with the Washington State Fair art showcase. While my time in high school art classes are coming to an end, I am excited for the possibility of expanding my knowledge of the arts and learning from those who share my passion.

My Resume

my resume


3502 North Puget Sound Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98407


My name is Madeline Jennings. I am currently a senior at Bellarmine Preparatory High School in Tacoma, WA.


Washington State fair - 2017, 2018
I was selected to hang 3 paintings in the high school art exhibit at the Washington State Fair.

Bellarmine Annual Art Show - 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Every year the art department choses their top students to display their works in the school exhibit.


Bellarmine Preparatory High School 2016 - 2020

GPA: 3.87
SAT: 1200
ACT: 29

Download a PDF version of my Resume


Click on each image to find out more information about it.

Blue Orangutan

The orangutan is blue because... why not?

Medium: Acrylic Paint
Date: Fall 2016
Dimensions: 13.5"x19.5"
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Date: Fall 2016
Dimensions: 13.5"x19.5"
Pink Seagull

If an orangutan can be blue, why can't a seagull be pink?

Medium: Acrylic Paint
Date: Fall 2019
Dimensions: 20.5"x26.5"
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Date: Fall 2019
Dimensions: 20.5"x26.5"
Pueblo Pot

Medium: Ceramic
Date: Spring 2017
Dimensions: 7"x7"x9.5"
Medium: Ceramic
Date: Spring 2017
Dimensions: 7"x7"x9.5"
Yankee the Doodle Dog

This charcoal sketch shows Yankee waiting for a walk.

Medium: Charcoal
Date: Spring 2016
Dimensions: 11"x11"
Medium: Charcoal
Date: Spring 2016
Dimensions: 11"x11"
Fish Teapot

Medium: Ceramic
Date: Spring 2018
Dimensions: 4"x13"x5"
Medium: Ceramic
Date: Spring 2018
Dimensions: 4"x13"x5"
Japanese Fish

Medium: Stencil and Spray Paint
Date: Spring 2016
Dimensions: 10"x15"
Medium: Stencil and Spray Paint
Date: Spring 2016
Dimensions: 10"x15"
Norwegian Barn

The Family Farm in Norway.

Medium: Watercolor
Date: Fall 2019
Dimensions: 9"x12"
Medium: Watercolor
Date: Fall 2019
Dimensions: 9"x12"
Copper Squid

Medium: Metal Impression
Date: Fall 2016
Dimensions: 8"x11"
Medium: Metal Impression
Date: Fall 2016
Dimensions: 8"x11"
Dinosaur Planter

This dinosaur planter was 75,000,000 years in the making.

Medium: Ceramic
Date: Spring 2018
Dimensions: 6"x14"x3"
Medium: Ceramic
Date: Spring 2018
Dimensions: 6"x14"x3"
Hanging Fish

Medium: Ceramic
Date: Spring 2018
Dimensions: 2.5"x13"x2.5"
Medium: Ceramic
Date: Spring 2018
Dimensions: 2.5"x13"x2.5"
Coast of Ireland

This watercolor depicts the adventure of 2 year old me travelling around Ireland with my family.

Medium: Watercolor
Date: Fall 2019
Dimensions: 15"x11"
Medium: Watercolor
Date: Fall 2019
Dimensions: 15"x11"